
Here’s Why There Won’t Be Any More Mitt Romneys

“If Romney cares about leaving a lasting legacy, he would have prioritized identifying, training, promoting, and otherwise grooming a group of young, like-minded conservatives in Utah who share his values and philosophy. In other words, he should have built a machine. This necessarily requires being involved in the state and local Republican parties, which control money, ballot access, registration of voters, etc. His political aides could have managed it and made this project a priority from day one.

But according to Chuck Warren, a GOP consultant who has worked for several Utah Republican campaigns (including the late Sen. Orrin Hatch’s last one), “I just don’t think it’s something [Romney’s] engaged in, and he didn’t have anybody in his political circle who said, ‘Go do this.’ I just think he felt like, ‘it’s not worth my time.’”

In fairness, Romney may not be temperamentally suited to the kind of schmoozing required to build a movement. According to Coppins’ reporting, Romney “didn’t have many real friends in Washington, [and] ate dinner alone there most nights…” Regardless, for anyone who wants their values and ideas to outlive them, this effort is most certainly worth their time. If only the non-Trumpy Republicans saw that.

And it’s not just Romney. Look no further than Arizona, where two-term Republican governor Doug Ducey failed to effectively pass the torch to a sane successor. The infrastructure built by Sen. John McCain was not tended to, and today the Arizona GOP is in shambles.

Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/heres-why-there-wont-be-anymore-mitt-romneys