95,471 mi. vs. 1,989 mi.
Trivia time. How long is our border with Mexico verses U.S. borders surrounded by ocean? Times up. The number: 95,471 miles of ocean front property vs. 1,989 miles with Mexico. And that is often left out of our national security and immigration discussion.
On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere for his Midnight Ride is said to be given the signal by lantern, “One if by land, and two if by sea.” As seen in the steeple of Boston’s Old North Church relating to Colonial Militia taking up arms against King George’s Red Coats and how they would arrive.
Today that “signal” can be related to our coastline’s foaming porous borders, with a world in disarray that an underfunded and undermanned U.S. Coast Guard is mandated to protect.
Again and again, people argue a “wall” is the be all, end all, answer to the U.S. border problem; yet, how many of us have stood barefoot in the wet sands of that other border making up the Manifest Destiny of America? Read More…..