Will He or Won’t He? Hatch Keeps Utah in Suspense

Hatch’s 2012 victory in the face of a tea party challenge could discourage potential challengers, said Hansen, the senator’s former campaign manager. “I think they look at it and say, ‘Look, if we try to challenge him, he’ll just beat us again,’” Hansen said. Utah strategists say the anti-establishment environment from 2010 has fizzled with respect to Hatch. A spokesman for conservative group FreedomWorks, which supported Hatch’s 2012 challenger, said it was too early to determine whether the group would be…

ABC News Has Given Us the Word of the Week: PALTER

On Saturday, March 12, ABC News with its web edition emblazoned the headline: “Democrats, some Republicans, condemn Preet Bharara being ‘fired’.” This, folks, is “paltering” and why the press continues to lose credibility with the public – especially conservatives. Paltering is using truthful facts to deceive. This is what ABC News did sadly and the press we count on to be an honest check and balance and watch dog continually do now. Their motto: “Agenda…

Don’t Let Kings Peak Hit You, On the Way Out

By Chuck Warren Guess what? Utah and Salt Lake City are going to survive the Outdoor Retailer Association leaving. And the people of Utah – stewards of this place we call home – will continue to honor and protect a place known as Bears Ears, Monument, along with every acre, public or private. No more of the twice annual trumpeting from downtown Salt Lake City where threats to boycott or leave — first because the…

95,471 mi. vs. 1,989 mi.

Trivia time. How long is our border with Mexico verses U.S. borders surrounded by ocean? Times up. The number: 95,471 miles of ocean front property vs. 1,989 miles with Mexico. And that is often left out of our national security and immigration discussion. On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere for his Midnight Ride is said to be given the signal by lantern, “One if by land, and two if by sea.” As seen in the…

Report Shows ‘Untapped Power’ of Constituent Advocacy

Citizens from across the country jammed the Senate phone lines in recent weeks, making their voices heard on President Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointments. But a new report suggests there are more effective ways to influence legislators. The Congressional Management Foundation on Monday released a new report that highlights more than a decade worth of its surveys that show how citizens can make their voices heard. Their research showed that citizens who showed up in person, and are well-prepared…

Warren: Selective Rage of Yuppie Coffee

Today the world is experiencing “the largest migration of displaced people in the history of the world.” How big of a forced migration? The number is approximately 65 million. A sickening commentary when one thinks back to the horrors of WWII. This catastrophe, which has been ongoing for years now, sees persecuted people moving across homeland borders due to violence, starvation, bigotry, genocide (something Obama ignored) and a host of other evils. Each night when…